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  • Mustafa Öztunç

    Mustafa Öztunç

    (Graphic, Nature, Printing-painting)

    Öztunç, who has been consciously interested both in theory and practice of art since his primary school years, graduated from Dokuz Eylül University, Department of Painting, Graphics Program in 1988. The artist boasts many local and international exhibitions starting from his university years. In addition to his efforts on printing and painting, the artist also works on poster design and ceramics. The artist, who states that he puts the concept of art on a realistic basis, has tried different kinds of collages by adding genuine materials such as leaves and tree branches to his works in the following periods and created works of art affected by nature. Öztunç sometimes used these real materials just the way they are or created them with interventions such as printing, painting and shaping. Still life and animal figures often seen in both the patterns and the oil paintings are used as symbolized states of nature in Öztunç's paintings. In some works of the artist, we see examples of the mythological characters such as Aphrodite, whilst in his other works, semi-figurative narratives, in which the figure almost disappeared and where color is prominent, are noticeable.

     CV of the Artist



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